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Mani L. Bhaumik Award for Public Engagement with Science FAQs

Q: Am I allowed to nominate myself?

  • A: Absolutely! We accept self-nominations as well as nominations of another and the type of nomination has no affect on how the nomination is reviewed. 

Q: What if I want to nominate someone but don’t want them to know?

  • A: That’s fine; you will still need to prepare materials that meet the requirements of the nomination package. 

Q: Does the candidate have to be an AAAS member?

  • A: No. We do collect this information, but it will not affect the selection committee’s decisions.

Q: Are international nominations accepted?

  • A: Absolutely!  We have past winners from around the world. However, all nomination materials must be submitted in English. 

Q: What type of public engagement are you looking for?

  • A:  This is a tough question! There are many different approaches to public engagement and no one approach is considered more effective than another. While formats for public engagement are constantly evolving, successful engagement builds on a foundation of clear, concise communication and mutual learning.  If you are even thinking about it, submit! 

Q: What am I being scored on?

  • A: A selection committee will discuss the candidates’ merits, using the following questions as a guide. We are looking for candidates who directly participate in public engagement, above and beyond the duties of their job.  Elements of high quality public engagement include a realistic goal, a clearly defined audience, and tailored messages.  Further, candidates should show how they encourage meaningful, interactive dialogue through their activities.   
  1. Does the candidate demonstrate active participation in public engagement activities?
  2. Does the candidate approach public engagement work thoughtfully and strategically?
  3. Does the candidate reach a critical audience(s)?
  4. Does the candidate use appropriate and innovative messages to address important topic(s)?
  5. Does the candidate approach engagement in thoughtful and/or innovative ways?
  6. Does the candidate demonstrate a focus on active engagement with the audience(s)?
  7. Does the candidate’s public engagement have a high impact
  8. Does the candidate demonstrate excellence in their field of research?

Further inquiries may be directed to awards@aaas.org. Please include the name of the award in the subject title.

Begin or continue your nomination(s) here